5 August , 2020

3. How to delegate your work in the organization within team members?

An organization that has an excellent team and managers always has a winning edge over other companies. Delegation of the right work to the right team member is an art in itself. And we are experts in delegating work among team members. Here are a few suggestions on acquiring the delegation skill.

1. Choosing the right candidate for your work

The right candidate for the right job is the best mantra to choose your perfect team. Once you have your perfect team with the right people doing the right jobs, then all your work becomes easy.

2. Train the team with theory & practical knowledge of the product

At times, resources are asked to work directly on complex products without any proper training. This amounts to great stress within resources and in turn affecting productivity. Thus it's very important to equip your team with proper training at the right time.

3. Be updated with the market trends

The market is constantly evolving and if we don’t adapt ourselves to the market trend then we will be left far behind in the market. There is an old saying that insists on the survival of the fittest. Thus, it becomes mandatory for all of us to adopt the best market trends in our industry.

4. Identifying the right talent within the organization & recognizing them

One of the key factors to retain employees and give them satisfaction at work is to recognize them for their work in a timely manner. Every company that has the best recognition policies is best at employee retention.

5. Work as a team

Teamwork enables the group to put collaborative effort to achieve a common goal and complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. Teamwork is always supreme in an organization and you are nothing without a good team.

6. Effective teams should be picked as models for others

A good leader with a bad team and a bad team with a good leader will not do any good to the organization. Thus it's very important to have both a good leader and a good team for the prosperity of an organization. When such a team plays together, it creates wonders. Identify such teams and set them as a model team to be followed by everybody.

7. Feedback from team & support them during difficulties

The best management always takes feedback from its employees and support them to overcome all their difficulties. The organization that cares and shows empathy towards employees is always at the top.

8. Focus on deadlines

Meeting deadlines are always important to satisfy our customers and building a smooth relationship with them. The organization that understands this mantra well always succeeds in procuring the best clients.

9. More committed & own the responsibility

Every employee must be encouraged to see the goal and mission of the company as his own. To do this, they must be involved in all the decision makings of the company. This in turn leads to high ownership & commitment toward their work; taking the organization to greater heights.

10. Learning attitude

The learning industry is like an ocean and how much ever we learn, it will be just a small drop in the big ocean. Continuous learning and updating of knowledge help us in achieving the cutting edge in the industry.

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